fredag, marts 31, 2006

Europæerne tjente penge indvandrerne føder børnene

Information om Danmark

Europæerne tjente penge - indvandrerne føder børn

(alle væsentlige og mest aktuelle fertilitetsrater på jorden er medtaget nedenfor)

68-ere lever i en ønskeverden, og derfor forveksler 68-ere virkeligheden med deres egne begrænsede tanker. Mange folk i erhvervslivet vil gerne have omkostningerne ned (men er bange for fagforeningerne, der indgår massivt i ejerkredsen – i hvert fald i de nordiske lande) og har længe klaget over vort skæve uddannelsessystem, der fortsat henviser 2 ud af 3 til den offentlige sektor og gør flere og flere arbejdsløse.

Når der sendes en mængder oplysninger ud om, hvorledes børnefødslerne reduceres i den tredje verden, så tag dem med en gran salt. Noget tyder på at det børnebegrænsningsprojekt de kørte ”med succes” i Vesten vil mere eller mindre mislykkes i den tredje verden.

Endvidere er det således, at selvom begrundelserne derude for de mange børn bl.a. har et falsk såkaldt forsørgelses-argument, så påbyder religionen dem at føde mange børn.

Det er endvidere således, at immigranter er fortrinsvis unge og børnefødende. I tillæg er der en klar tendens til netop ikke at reducere børneflokken, selvom økonomien bedres - en irreversibel kulturel proces. Meget tyder endog på, at netop velfærdsfremgangen ved at flytte til Vesten fremskynder fertiliteten yderligere. Desuden reduceres dødeligheden betydeligt i Vesten.

Således konstateredes fra 1999 til 2004 af Københavns Kommune, at børn af indvandrere netop fødte 10 pct. flere børn end forældrene over en 5 års periode (jfr. Søndagsavisen den 25/1-2004)

Når der nedenfor er anført nogle gennemsnitlige fødselstal, også for vesterlændinge, skal det noteres, at der er tale om såkaldte Total Fertilitet Rater. Intet sted i Europa vover man så meget som at nævne etnisk fertilitet (det er vedtaget tilsyneladende i det skjulte), selvom indvandringen selvfølgelig i gennemsnit øger den samlede fertilitet kunstigt.
Hermed kan 68-eren om nogle år, når flere indsigtsfulde er faldet fra, bilde børnene og de unge ind, at nu er fertiliteten sandelig blevet bedre igen.

Ja, bortset fra i England, hvor etniske fertilitetsrater bruges helt formelt inden sundhedsvæsenet.


D.v.s. der falder selvfølgelig et par stykker af i farten (end ikke 68-eren er fejlfri, selvom han tror det): par citater:

I USA udregnes fertilitet selvfølgelig som procenter:
For Immediate Release: August 4, 2003
"..The new report shows that the major trends previously reported - such as the dramatic decline in teenage births -– were also present when the rates were revised. Revised birth rates confirm the steady declines over the decade of the 1990s. Rates fell to historic low levels, with sizable declines recorded for teenagers in all age and population groups. The overall rate for teenagers 15-19 years fell 27 percent between 1991 and 2001. The rate
for black teenagers plummeted 37 percent. The downward trends for American Indian and Hispanic teenagers are much larger on the basis of the revised rates compared with the previously published rates. The birth rate for American
Indian teenagers fell 33 percent and the rate for Hispanic teenagers dropped 17 percent, according to the revised rates compared with decreases of 22 percent and 13 percent, respectively, based on postcensal population estimates derived from the 1990 census.."
fertility_res.htm :

"..In no West European country did the rate reach 2.1 — the marker that, demographers say, means an exact replenishment of the population. By contrast, the United States
had a 2.0 rate, which demographers attribute to greater immigration.."

"..However, most of the bigger European countries (France, but not Norway, Ireland and Iceland) themselves have substantial immigrant minorities with higher birth rates. At least 10% of births in major European countries are to women born abroad or of foreign nationality. More important, the higher birth rates of immigrant and foreign women inflate the national totals. Thus in England and Wales in 1996, where 13% of all births were to mothers born outside the UK, the overall TFR of 1.74 falls to 1.67 if the fertility of women born abroad is excluded (see ONS Birth Statistics Series FM1 No 25, table 9.4). In the case of Germany the effect is more subdued: in 1996 the national TFR of 1.31 would fall to 1.28 without the contribution of women of foreign nationality (Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit 1998 R1 F1 table 1.3.7). Because of the negligible numbers of ethnic minority population in the Republic of Ireland, this effect can be ignored in that case.."


Oplysningerne i foregående afsnit er stærkt underestimerede - der bortses fra alt om naturaliserede og deres børn.

18-25 pct. af en fødselsårgang i de kontinentale vesteuropæiske lande fødes af de fremmede. D.v.s. at den samlede fertilitet - som er angivet her f.eks. til 1,7 - skal reduceres til ca. 1,2 i de nordiske land og til omkring 1,0 i Tyskland og de europæiske middelhavslandene. Se og

De tre væsenligste årsager til den lave fertilitet blandt vesteuropæiske kvinder er:

1. I gennemsnit fødes det første barn omkring kvindens 28. år - herefter kniber det med at få flere børn.
2. 15-20 pct. af kvinderne i 40-årsalderen i de vestlige lande har ingen børn - dette tal er steget væsentligt.
3. Aborterne er atter steget til at udgøre mere end 15.000 ud af en fødselsårgang på 68.000-70.000 i Danmark.

For så vidt er 2. kendetegnende i udpræget grad for ledige og udstødte stameuropæere fra arbejdsmarkedet, som ikke tør sætte børn i verden.

Fertilitet for det meste af verden:

Countries in order of Total Fertility Rate (children):

Rank Country Total Fertility Rate (children)
1 Gaza 7.4 children
2 Niger 7.4 children
3 Angola 7.2 children
4 Marshall Islands 7.2 children
5 Yemen 7.2 children
6 Somalia 7.0 children
7 Western Sahara 7.0 children
8 Afghanistan 6.9 children
9 Burkina Faso 6.9 children
10 Togo 6.9 children
11 Uganda 6.9 children
12 Benin 6.8 children
13 Burundi 6.8 children
14 Comoros 6.8 children
15 Malawi 6.7 children
16 Mali 6.7 children
17 Zaire 6.7 children
18 Ethiopia 6.6 children
19 Mozambique 6.5 children
20 Sierra Leone 6.5 children
21 Liberia 6.4 children
22 Libya 6.4 children
23 Saudi Arabia 6.4 children
24 Tanzania 6.3 children
25 Maldives 6.2 children
26 Nigeria 6.2 children
27 Oman 6.2 children
28 Rwanda 6.2 children
29 Eritrea 6.1 children
30 Laos 6.1 children
31 Madagascar 6.1 children
32 Zambia 6.1 children
33 Senegal 6.0 children
34 Cameroon 5.9 children
35 Chad 5.9 children
36 Equatorial Guinea 5.9 children
37 Gambia 5.9 children
38 Cambodia 5.8 children
39 Djibouti 5.8 children
40 Guinea-Bissau 5.8 children
41 Cote d'Ivoire 5.7 children
42 Guinea 5.7 children
43 Iraq 5.7 children
44 Solomon Islands 5.7 children
45 Bhutan 5.6 children
46 Jordan 5.6 children
47 Pakistan 5.6 children
48 Ghana 5.5 children
49 Kenya 5.4 children
50 Mauritania 5.4 children
51 Namibia 5.4 children
52 Sao Tome and Principe 5.4 children
53 West Bank 5.4 children
54 Congo 5.3 children
55 Vanuatu 5.3 children
56 Honduras 5.2 children
57 Lesotho 5.2 children
58 Central African Republic 5.1 children
59 Guatemala 5.1 children
60 Gabon 5.0 children
61 Sudan 5.0 children
62 Swaziland 4.9 children
63 Bolivia 4.8 children
64 Haiti 4.8 children
65 Western Samoa 4.8 children
66 Iran 4.7 children
67 Papua-New Guinea 4.7 children
68 Syria 4.7 children
69 Botswana 4.6 children
70 Federated States of Micronesia 4.6 children
71 Nepal 4.6 children
72 Nicaragua 4.6 children
73 Belize 4.5 children
74 Paraguay 4.5 children
75 Algeria 4.4 children
76 Zimbabwe 4.4 children
77 Qatar 4.3 children
78 Philippines 4.1 children
79 French Guiana 4.0 children
80 Myanmar 4.0 children
81 El Salvador 3.9 children
82 Cape Verde 3.8 children
83 Grenada 3.8 children
84 United Arab Emirates 3.8 children
85 Tajikistan 3.7 children
86 Bangladesh 3.6 children
87 Ecuador 3.6 children
88 Egypt 3.6 children
89 Mongolia 3.6 children
90 India 3.5 children
91 Peru 3.5 children
92 Brunei 3.4 children
93 Turkmenistan 3.4 children
94 Guam 3.3 children
95 Malaysia 3.3 children
96 Morocco 3.3 children
97 Tunisia 3.3 children
98 Uzbekistan 3.3 children
99 Dominican Republic 3.2 children
100 Lebanon 3.2 children
101 South Africa 3.2 children
102 French Polynesia 3.1 children
103 Kuwait 3.1 children
104 Mexico 3.1 children
105 Palau 3.1 children
106 Venezuela 3.1 children
107 Vietnam 3.1 children
108 Bahrain 3.0 children
109 Colombia 3.0 children
110 Fiji 3.0 children
111 Kyrgyzstan 3.0 children
112 Indonesia 2.9 children
113 Israel 2.9 children
114 Albania 2.8 children
115 Argentina 2.8 children
116 Costa Rica 2.8 children
117 Panama 2.8 children
118 Suriname 2.7 children
119 Turkey 2.7 children
120 Guyana 2.6 children
121 Jamaica 2.6 children
122 New Caledonia 2.6 children
123 Saint Lucia 2.6 children
124 Brazil 2.5 children
125 Reunion 2.5 children
126 Chile 2.4 children
127 Korea, North 2.4 children
128 St.Kitts-Nevis 2.4 children
129 St.Vincent and the Grenadines 2.4 children
130 Sri Lanka 2.3 children
131 Uruguay 2.3 children
132 Guadeloupe 2.2 children
133 Azerbaijan 2.1 children
134 Cyprus 2.1 children
135 Iceland 2.1 children
136 Mauritius 2.1 children
137 Netherlands Antilles 2.1 children
138 Puerto Rico 2.1 children
139 Seychelles 2.1 children
140 Dominica 2.0 children
141 Kazakhstan 2.0 children
142 Macedonia 2.0 children
143 Martinique 2.0 children
144 New Zealand 2.0 children
145 Trinidad and Tobago 2.0 children
146 United States 2.0 children
147 Bahamas 1.9 children
148 Ireland 1.9 children
149 Norway 1.9 children
150 Thailand 1.9 children
151 Australia 1.8 children
152 China 1.8 children
153 Finland 1.8 children
154 Malta 1.8 children
155 Moldova 1.8 children
156 Taiwan 1.8 children
157 Yugoslavia 1.8 children
158 Antigua and Barbuda 1.7 children
159 Denmark 1.7 children
160 France 1.7 children
161 Korea, South 1.7 children
162 Luxembourg 1.7 children
163 Singapore 1.7 children
164 United Kingdom 1.7 children
165 Armenia 1.6 children
166 Bosnia-Herzegovina 1.6 children
167 Canada 1.6 children
168 Croatia 1.6 children
169 Poland 1.6 children
170 Sweden 1.6 children
171 Barbados 1.5 children
172 Belgium 1.5 children
173 Cuba 1.5 children
174 Hungary 1.5 children
175 Japan 1.5 children
176 Lithuania 1.5 children
177 Macao 1.5 children
178 Netherlands 1.5 children
179 Slovakia 1.5 children
180 Switzerland 1.5 children
181 Austria 1.4 children
182 Greece 1.4 children
183 Portugal 1.4 children
184 Ukraine 1.4 children
185 Belarus 1.3 children
186 Estonia 1.3 children
187 Georgia 1.3 children
188 Germany 1.3 children
189 Liechtenstein 1.3 children
190 Romania 1.3 children
191 Russia 1.3 children
192 Slovenia 1.3 children
193 Bulgaria 1.2 children
194 Czech Republic 1.2 children
195 Italy 1.2 children
196 Latvia 1.2 children
197 Spain 1.2 children
198 San Marino 1.1 children

"if your heart is filled use your brain"


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